Third party assurance

For certain organisations reliance is often placed on third parties/service organisations such as property managers, medical administrators, data centres and IT managers. As an organisation, you want to be reassured that the third-party service is reliable and of high quality. We have the necessary expertise to help you with all types of service organisations control assurance reports. We have experience locally and globally with assurance reports such as the ISAE 3402 report (SOC 1) and the Service Organisation Control report 2 (SOC 2). 

JSE listing requirements CEO/FD attestation process

In the latest amendments to the JSE Listing Requirements, item 14 3.84 (k) requires a company’s CEO and the Financial Director to make the attestation statement in the annual report.

At BDO we believe in a fit for purpose approach to meeting client needs. The level of an organisation’s internal control maturity is directly linked to the type of assurance needs and reliance requirements. Less mature environments require more manual control documentation and assurance and as the level of maturity increases, assurance and monitoring practices are more enhanced, automated and integrated.

Our solutions are aligned to SAICA guidance on the attestation process and as a first step in assisting clients with the attestation we help organisations determine their current attestation maturity level. We have developed an easy-to-complete automated maturity questionnaire as a starting point to determine the solutions most applicable to your current environment.

The results will enable us to work with you to develop your exact solution and help you reach your desired maturity level over time. Some of the elements within our suite of solution driven offerings include:

  • Full suite attestation sign-off
  • Internal financial control reviews
  • Combined assurance services
  • Internal financial risk and control matrices
  • Internal financial control framework
  • Materiality frameworks
  • Internal control policy reviews
  • Control self-assessment services (process development, CSA tool offering)
  • Attestation training
  • Control environment maturity assessments
  • Continuous auditing and monitoring services

Contact us

Richard Walker

Richard Walker

Head of Risk Advisory Services
View bio

Carl Bosma

Risk Advisory Director: TMT
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