An organisation’s optimal performance is contingent on its alignment of the vision, mission and strategic objectives and is impacted by factors such as financial performance, changing client landscapes, business inefficiencies and mergers or acquisitions.
Organisational design aims to improve competitive advantage through a review of the various ways of doing business and engineering appropriate structures and changes to take your business to the next level. Our methodology identifies business alignment dysfunction and our analysis allows us to shape the various business levels to achieve optimal performance.
We design a tailored solution based on your needs, size and complexity of your business, the legislative environment, risk implications and the human capital maturity cycle.
- Business growth strategies which design business structures and functions to stimulate growth and business development.
- Strategic alignment after reviewing existing structures to ensure synergy with new business directions and objectives.
- Mergers and acquisitions to assist the merging organisations to align their structures with new business opportunities and objectives.
- Working with business rescue teams to analyse structures and processes to ensure optimal performance of the future entity.
BUSINESS PROCESS OPTIMISATION (BPO) uses qualitative and quantitative approaches to analyse current business processes and develop new methods to define and improve productivity, efficiency, and operational costs. Often the outcomes of the BPO intervention will provide information used to enhance the organisational design.
ROLE ANALYSIS AND PROFILING entails both job and person specifications to provide an accurate outline of the activities, responsibilities and requirements of a role.
COMPETENCY FRAMEWORKS provide a holistic view of the skills, knowledge, abilities, attributes, experience, personality traits and motivators, all of which can predict individual performance. They can increase clarity around performance expectations and establish a clear link between individual and organisational performance.
TALENT MOBILITY AND MANAGEMENT is impacted by economic transformation, demographic changes and global attractiveness all impact on talent supply and demand. Organisations often struggle to manage talent as an asset and thereby retain high performing individuals and keep employees engaged.
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT is a process of creating shared understanding and evaluation about how individuals contribute to an organisation’s goals. We assist with performance management design, performance audits and performance management training.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT plans are critical to ensure the availability of required skills, knowledge and competencies and to help find a balance between training for immediate operational requirements, while ensuring optimal knowledge and skills for the future.
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT is one of the most important contributing factors to business success or failure. An effective leader can guide an organisation to maximum profits and optimal performance on all levels – and an ineffective leader can do just the opposite! Our leadership development strategies enhance ownership and accountability, increase personal understanding about leading for success, and ensureg business continuity and risk management.