Corporate employee benefits

We will help you find the best recipe for your investments, risk and medical benefits.

BDO Employee Benefits and BDO Healthcare are independent advisory and administration businesses that help corporate employers get to the right solutions for their employee benefit needs. We will help you find the best recipe for your investments, risk and medical benefits.



Employee Benefits are the means of acknowledging your staff’s contribution and retaining critical talent.

BDO’s Employee Benefits experts partner with you to create a comprehensive package of benefits that meets both your – and your employees – needs.

Lack of understanding is generally the most common cause of staff withdrawing their pension fund after they resign or are retrenched. Misinformation leads to a lack of cover or too much. Do you choose a provident fund or pension fund? Often, a consultation is all it takes to help guide on decisions regarding pension plans, pension policies, income replacement, disability insurance, funeral cover, medical benefits and more.

Download – Member’s guide to making the right choice for retirement savings




Because we appreciate and value your understanding of your business, our approach involves listening to your needs and reviewing your current employee benefits fund. We then help you to project your future requirements – and provide you with workable solutions, as well as a system that best suits your needs.

BDO Employee Benefits is are able to assist with so much more than just your Corporate Benefits. In association with our Wealth Adviser team, we have experienced financial planners who can provide a full range of wealth advisory and financial planning services to individuals, families and deceased estates. Our goal is to help clients get to the right solutions, with strategies tailored to you, your company’s or your family’s specific needs and aspirations.


View our informative video on the Retirement Reform that came into effect on 01 March 2021



Medical Aid in South Africa is important if you wish to receive access to private healthcare. Many employees consider medical aid to be expensive and therefore will not join until they are older or feel it is necessary.

But what happens if an employee is in a serious accident during working hours and does not receive appropriate care at a state hospital?

The family may come to the employer for assistance and you could be obliged to help. The staff member may provide a critical skill that no-one else has in the company. This will then create a serious risk for the company if the staff member does not get immediate and adequate care.

If your company has more than ten employees and the average age is less than 40, many medical schemes offer compulsory membership packages, with no waiting periods, exclusions or late-joiner penalties for over 35-year-olds.


Where do you start?

Selecting the medical scheme that offers plans for a range of staff members is not so easy. There needs to be access to cheaper plans for the lower income group, and some medical schemes have salary bands for their plans. Ask BDO Healthcare, an independent healthcare adviser, who will be able to advise on several medical schemes and advise which best suits the needs of your company and employees. We will provide presentations for your staff and be able to guide them to select the right plan for their current needs.

At the end of each year your Healthcare adviser will also provide information on the changes in the plans for the following year and assist employees who wish to upgrade their plans, as well as ongoing administration for your group scheme and trouble-shoot claims and any other problems – saving you time, while showing your employees you care.


BDO Employee Benefits is a licensed Financial Services Provider. FSP Number 15751

BDO Healthcare is a licensed Financial Services Provider. FSP Number 41974