What comes to mind when you think of “retirement’? Old age? Boredom? It simply is not.
It may mean retirement from work but most definitely not life.
It’s finally the time when you can sit back, and rest assured that your quality of life will not be dictated by cash flow. Research has shown that one’s happiness in retirement is not dependent on your financial situation, but largely on other factors.
Have you ever really asked yourself what would make you happy in retirement? A fancier car? Trips overseas? Or maybe to simply spend more time on the golf course?
Retirement is changing, and chances are your golden years are going to be very different to those of your parents’ or grandparents’. These days, retirement is seen as a privilege, a luxury even ….
Here are some key ‘Return on Life’ indicators:
- Living well within your means
- Investing time, energy, and resources in people and engagements that energize you
- Allowing yourself to have experiences and fulfillment whenever possible
- Not comparing yourself to others who may live with a different set of circumstances
- Living purposefully
- Not allowing your identity to be defined by numbers
Let us help you prepare yourself for the challenges and opportunities of the new retirement landscape.
To learn how we help you get the best Return on Life, get in contact with a BDO Return on Life Coach