Artificial Intelligence

The use and adoption of machine learning capabilities (ML) in business is increasing rapidly every day. Smart companies are harnessing the value of their data in machine learning models to reduce costs, optimise processes, and increase customer satisfaction. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning have the potential to reshape industries – ML algorithms can be used in applications across practically all sectors, from eCommerce to finance, healthcare to education, and cybersecurity to charity.

How BDO can help you with an AI /ML solution?

BDO Digital Advisory taps the benefits of this cutting-edge technology to mimic human cognitive capabilities to derive value for our customers. Our smart solutions and services allow businesses to gain an edge over their competitors in their respective industries. We can apply pre-built machine learning algorithms, coupled with your dataset volumes, and apply business rules to produce value through descriptive, predictive and/or prescriptive patterns of solutions.

Our services:

  • Machine Learning consultation: develop proof of concepts and prototypes, create a framework for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence opportunities, including an AI based innovation centre
  • Risk management & fraud detection: deploy a machine learning algorithm to detect potential fraud patterns in financial transactions, thereby creating a trained model that continuously recalibrates itself to improve predictions and manage your risk better
  • Machine Learning product configuration: leverage partner platforms to setup and configure ML and AI based solutions
  • Managed ML & AI Service: enabling a post deployment continual support for your ML & AI products