Finance and Accounting Technology

As a client of BSO you are welcomed into an environment committed to your performance and success. We are flexible and client focussed. Structured to deliver services that scale as you grow. With us there is no such thing as off-the-shelf. Small, medium or large – your business has unique objectives, so we deliver bespoke thinking and innovative solutions.

While our services vary, the principles we apply are the same:

  • Latest technology, continual improvement, provide practical business advice and support
  • Set-up right from the start. Optimise software. Use accounting systems and processes that are fit for purpose
  • Larger companies can improve – benchmark performance against best-practice accounting, technology, and processes; don’t delay upgrading

What is best practice at BSO?

Saved time saves money

  • Simple systems mean happy end users
  • Automation (bank and payroll feeds; processing; backups)
  • End-to-end support

Accurate, quality data; centralised storage

  • Single entry for multiple systems; auto capture (feeds)
  • 1 central data base

Access anytime, anywhere, from any device

  • Real time reports and data; rapid decision making
  • Easier collaboration and sharing for important stakeholders (banks; accountants; funders; shareholders)

Management support

  • Fast reporting and decision making
  • Analysis and performance related improvements (cash flow; management reports; advisory)

BSO Finance and Technology services

  • Recommend and implement the right technology and processes
    • Optimise setup – align procedures to functionality
    • Add-ons and apps as needed
    • Data migration
  • Change management
    • Smooth the transition; get the best out of best practice
    • Training and after care
  • Support
    • Throughout implementation, processing, reporting
    • Integrate with BSO advisory services
    • Updates; application advisory; certifications

Read about our be assured promise here

As South Africa’s first Xero™ Platinum Partner, we have seamless and easy access to your company’s finances, allowing us to give you valuable insight and advice.

Contact us for our BSO XERO SPECIAL OFFER