Tax Smart

Managing tax affairs and dealings with SARS is administration intensive and can be costly. Risks and penalties mount up if you lose control of proper compliance. It’s difficult for a single person or non-specialist department to stay abreast of the changing scope of tax affairs and still deliver effective, efficient strategies and management.

  • Because tax affairs are integral to most business decisions, BSO includes end-to-end tax management, compliance, and advisory services for all our clients
  • That’s peace of mind for our clients - it’s like having your own in-house specialist tax department

Tax Smart services

  • Company tax (local, international); Individual tax (expats, local)
  • Routine tax affairs
    • Registration and setup, manage details at SARS; filing
    • SARS relations (liaison, directives, issue management and resolution)
  • Compliance (company, personal, staff)
  • Company (VAT, Income Tax, PAYE)
  • VAT and customs (exchange control, discounts and allowances)
  • Specialist advice
    • Planning and oversight
    • Opinions, structuring

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