Carla Clamp
Strong oversight and governance is key for companies to ensure that they are operating as intended.
From regulatory changes to increased enterprise and reputational risk, the challenges facing corporate directors have never been greater. With a unique understanding of the varying and increasing responsibilities assumed by the board and the committees of the board, BDO’s dedicated professionals provide thoughtful subject matter for directors to consider as they navigate through ever-changing business challenges.
Backed by broad resources across our assurance, tax and advisory practices, our professionals can help address corporate governance risks and opportunities arising throughout the business lifecycle. We work closely with board members – whether new or established directors - to provide continual education and thought leadership, facilitate improvements to corporate governance execution, and create an expanding network and community for board members to exchange best practices. We recognize and distinguish our approach for the different challenges encountered by boards operating in the large-, mid- and small-cap arenas, as well as among public, private and non-profit entities.
Governance resources
BDO offers a wide range of insights, educational programmes, and timely engagement to help clients and contacts stay ahead of today’s most important trends and issues. Tailored specifically to the board, it’s committees and Directors in general. Our interventions are designed to help meet today’s oversight responsibilities, as well as anticipate the evolving risks and opportunities of tomorrow.
Integrated Reporting
We live in an era of radical transparency, which is prompting a rethink on corporate reporting. This is evidenced by the European Union’s directive on environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting, the United Kingdom’s strategic report, the context of reports filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, the Operating Financial Review in Australia and the listing requirements of several stock exchanges, including the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
The traditional financial reporting system was a revolutionary development when it was instituted. It has since had to respond to market regulators, standards boards, ever more complex legislation and the regulation of accounting and corporate reporting. It is accepted that, while fully compliant and duly audited financial statements are critical, they are insufficient to discharge the duty of accountability. Similarly, a sustainability report is critical but insufficient. The reality is that the resources or capitals used by organisations constantly interconnect and interrelate. The organisation’s reporting should reflect this interconnectedness, and indicate how its activities affect, and are affected by, the six capitals it uses and the triple context in which it operates.
The move from siloed reporting to integrated reporting is consistent with the concept of an inclusive, sustainable capital market system. It has been given impetus by acceptance of the triple context in which organisations operate and the evolution of integrated thinking.
King IV takes cognisance of these shifts and in response to good governance and the Integrated Report Council Frameworks, many leading organisations have begun to change the way they operate and have moved to the integrated reporting model.
BDO can assist your organisation to implement your integrated reporting framework, assist you to define your material issues through a materials issues workshop, assist you to draft sections and define the boundaries and content of your integrated report.
Our Rethink model is assisting our clients to think the way they have been doing business in the past and rethink the way they need to operate in a changing and digitised world.
King IV
The Institute of Directors in Southern Africa (IoDSA) and the King Committee have released the King IV Report™. BDO South Africa is a sponsor of this fearless but simple report. Read on to find out more.
King IV™ Explained: Infographic.
Our services include:
- Board assessments
- Board induction and training
- Board assessments including assessment of board committee and individual director performance.
- King IV reviews and gap analysis
- Governance maturity assessments
- Risk maturity assessments
- Assistance with establishing good governance frameworks aligned with King IV or relevant governance requirements in other jurisdictions
- Assistance with establishing risk management frameworks and risk appetite frameworks.
- Facilitation of strategic and operational risk assessments
- Board and board committee training