Tax Technology Implementation and Optimisation

Develop your tax technology foundation: no data gathering and preparation, fewer spreadsheets, increased speed and accuracy. Our resources will assist you with the selection, implementation and optimisation of tax technology including tax provision, compliance, transfer pricing, employment tax and indirect tax automation.

We offer a fully customised approach, tailored to each organisation’s unique tax processes, challenges and requirements. Our professionals start by evaluating current processes and working with your teams to develop optimal fit for purpose processes, before touching the technology. As technology develops and tax regulations evolve, we also provide ongoing support for issues, large and small, for organisations of all sizes and across every industry.

Our team has extensive experience both implementing and optimising solutions from the major third-party software vendors:

  • Corptax Provision and Compliance tools
  • Longview Provision, Analytics and Transfer Pricing
  • Oracle Hyperion Tax Provision (HTP) and Tax Reporting Cloud (TRCS)
  • Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Provision and Compliance tools (certified implementer), Indirect Tax/Sabrix, Indirect Tax/Cloud, and Tax Returns
  • VertexO Series, Q Series, L Series, Cloud, and Returns
  • SOVOS Taxware Enterprise, SUT, and TaxSolver
  • Avalara Avatax and CertCapture
  • SAP
  • Vena Solution
  • Fluence