In an increasingly competitive market, our specialists recognise the importance of an efficient, competitive, transparent, equitable and fair supply chain management system and the clarity required by clients regarding this critical process.
Our team understands the regulatory frameworks which are in place, driving the public sector to achieve the outcomes of section 217 of the Constitution. And while the policy environment and cycles in the private sector are less regulated, they need to be firm, inclusive and compliant to achieve economic transformation in our country.
We perform a host of services related to Supply Chain Management which includes:
Training: our training is delivered in an engaging and practical manner to supplement theoretical learning
Demand Planning and Management: reviewing demand/procurement plans linked to budgets of entities and their strategic plans and objectives to ensure appropriate alignment; and reviewing demand cycles linked to warehouse management.
Acquisition/Procurement Management: These include a review of the process followed to acquire a particular service, goods or commodity. We have the capabilities to review the establishment and functioning of bid committees; and to review the evaluation of tenders to ensure a fair, transparent, equitable, competitive and efficient outcome.
Our reviews of the acquisition process have assisted many public entities to reduce their irregular expenditure as we could assist and forewarn the CFOs and their Supply Chain Management heads prior to an award being concluded.
Procurement Risk Management: Our specialists understand that procurement risk is often not well managed due to a general lack of expertise - risk managers tend to focus time and effort on enterprise risk and not necessarily procurement risk, which is the driver of any enterprise. Furthermore, we understand the sources of procurement risk, which is a complex relationship between the buyer and the supplier in a specific environment/context.
Supplier Performance Management: this is equally important in the cycle of Supply Chain Management. We can assist in formalising appropriate performance management measures prior to payments being made to suppliers, to help prevent fruitless and wasteful expenditure.
Framework for Infrastructure Procurement and Delivery Management (FIPDM): Value for money assessments are critically important –especially with regards to infrastructure spend. We have developed a methodology linked to the Framework for Infrastructure Procurement and Delivery Management (FIPDM) to allow for measuring infrastructure procurement and delivery within the public sector.